Monday 6 April 2015

Living the Good Life on Vacation

While it’s nice to go to an all-inclusive and have people wait on you hand and foot, my favourite vacations have been the ones where I could be active. On some of my best vacations - exploring Scotland and France by foot, a fitness retreat in Utah, running and surfing in Australia - I have actually managed to lose weight while on vacation!

Recently I spent the most amazing 2.5 weeks in Costa Rica. The first week I saw much of the country via a mountain bike tour while the second week I went to surf camp.

Rather than pack on the pounds while I was away I made a point of instead indulging in all the amazing tropical fruit, eating the local staples of beans and rice, and focusing on fuelling my body for my sports. I did indulge in the odd bevvy and a nice dinner out but instead of the vacation being about the food I kept my focus on the activity part of my trip and set myself up for success to climb volcanoes and pop up on my surfboard.

I didn’t end up losing weight on vacation but as importantly I didn’t gain it either. And judging from how long it took me to recover from it, I was incredibly active while away! I’m hoping my major gains from the vacation were in fitness rather than in pounds!

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